All The Tools You Need To Create The Life You've Always Wanted

Imagine waking up every day with a sense of purpose, passion, and excitement. Imagine a life where you feel fulfilled, happy, and aligned with your true self. For many, this might seem like a distant dream. But what if I told you that the tools you need to create such a life are already within your reach?

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I am thrilled to have you here. As a physician, life coach, and YouTuber, my mission is to empower individuals like you to take control of your health and well-being. Join me on this journey towards improved well-being and discover the power within you to create positive change. Together, we can unlock a world of health, inspiration, and limitless possibilities. Start exploring the website today and let's embark on this incredible journey together.


Level Up Your Life

Welcome to my blog, where we embark on an exciting journey towards optimal health and personal transformation. In each post, I'll be sharing valuable insights, practical tips, and inspiring stories to empower you to take charge of your well-being. Join me as we navigate the path to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.

Why Does My Weight Increase So Much After I Fast?!

Efficient Meal Planning for Diabetic Health: Bulk Preparation and S...

The Cheat Code to Mastering Your Blood Sugar: Insights from Our Lat...

Beyond Blood Sugars: The Emotional Landscape of Type 2 Diabetes

Next Level Coaching Program

With my unique coaching sessions, you'll be able to focus on what's important to you and reach your targets faster than ever before!

Coming Soon!



 "As someone who has been overweight all my life, I felt like I have tried all the weight loss methods out there.  Working with Dr. Woode’’s team is the first time I have really felt like I am making a lifestyle change instead of just being on another diet.  I am so thankful for the help they have given me, and I truly feel for the first time in decades that I am on a path to meet my weight loss goals."







- Donald G.

 "After having my thyroid removed and constantly gaining weight, I had all but given up on ever being thin again. During a regular appointment with Dr. Woode, he asked me this question: ‘‘Are you ready to lose some weight?’’ I answered: ‘‘When you can make me not hungry then I can lose weight’’. He did just that. I followed his instructions carefully from that day forward and the weight just seemed to melt away. With Dr. Woode and his staff’’s support, I have successfully lost 96 pounds. Each appointment gave me the encouragement to keep working hard and to stay on course. Thanks to Dr. Woode, I am enjoying life in a slimmer and healthier way. I highly recommend this program!" 


- Sandie S.

 "I have been on this journey for about one year now. I’ve lost about 40 lbs. Sometimes I get discouraged because I don’t feel as if I’ve lost a lot of weight. But, I was told by Dr. Woode that I didn’t gain the weight in a couple of weeks so I will not lose it in just a couple of weeks. Because of that I stay encouraged... This has been a tough journey for me, because I love to eat. I also need to exercise (my biggest struggle), but I WILL make that goal. I have learned to love water also. I no longer feel like this is a diet; it is a lifestyle change and a good one for me!! " 




-Pamela W. 

 "I believe in divine alignment, and I can truly say finding your practice, channel, and approach to managing diabetes is exactly what I needed when I needed it.   I appreciate a physician who listens, educates, and provides practical and tangible assistance.   I've had three appts so far, and I've already learned more and feel much better equipped to manage my type 2 diabetes with insulin resistance and weight loss.   Thank you, Dr. Woode!  I say this to your viewers, patients, and future supporters: Dr. Woode understands the science and the human aspect required to help people live quality lives with diabetes.   It's so much more than managing blood sugar...but Dr. Woode is the only physician I've experienced willing to address every contributing factor based on each patient's unique needs."



"On 2/22 I learned about fasting and controlling my blood sugar. My a1c was at 6.0 at that point. My desire was to eliminate much of my pharmaceutical products. I have eliminated all my insulin usage. My a1c is now at 5.1."

"197 lbs first time under 200 lbs in years and years."


- Steve K.

"I'm so glad I found ... this."


- Diane M.

"Just what I was looking for! Fasted for 34 hours out of instinct and just wanted to dive deeper into the topic."


- Rasedan


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